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Single Mini Term Package
3 sessions
21 days
Mini Term Non-Syllabus Class
1 Non-Syllabus class per week (eg: Freestyle Clinic) for 3 weeks + 1 free Practice Time credit.
 25th June: Flow Clinic, Static Rotations, Intro to Exo, Invert clinic, Active Flex
15th July: Freestyle Clinic, Exotic Pole, Chair Pole, Flow Clinic, Floorwork, Acro Pole, Active Flex 
Book into the 1st week of your desired Mini Term class & you'll be manually booked into the remaining weeks by our Admin.
If you can't attend a booking, please cancel it at pdm.timetablehq.com/reservations to get your credit back & open up a slot for someone else :) For more info, check out our FAQ.
PLEASE BRING: Yoga mat, water bottle, towel for cleaning your pole/ other equipment used.